The FAST Standard focuses predominantly on outcomes, in other words what the final model should look like.
It dwells little on the tradecraft of executing spreadsheet models. For instance, it does not provide details of Excel keystrokes (shortcut keys) on which the FAST Standard relies and which are vastly superior to using a mouse in almost all circumstances.
However, no set of design rules can be entirely divorced from the manufacturing environment in which the product is built. Many of the standard’s rules and recommendations are therefore determined by the strengths and weaknesses of the Microsoft Excel modelling environment: they indicate how to take advantage of the strengths and work around its weaknesses. One of the prime objectives of the FAST Standard is to enable efficient, error-reducing construction techniques in this way.
Timelines Solution 1 – Monthly Timeline
DownloadA monthly solution to the best way to design timelines in a financial model
Timelines Solution 2 – Hybrid Timeline
DownloadA hybrid solution to the best way to design timelines in a financial model
FAST Standard brochure
DownloadA 6-page brochure outlining the key features and benefits of the FAST Standard.
ICAEW: 20 Principles for good spreadsheet practice
Modelling ResourceThe FAST standard was the first to be recognised by the ICAEW to be compliant with the principles.
The European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group
Special Interest GroupEuSpRIG is the World’s premier site for information, action, conferences and dialogue on Spreadsheet Risk Management.
Spreadsheet Lab website article
Blog PostAn engineer's perspective on the FAST standard and parallels that can be made.
FAST Standard LinkedIn Group
Special Interest GroupOur community of over 1000 modellers can help you and your organisation with your modelling questions.
Spreadsheets Grow Up
DownloadSpreadsheets Grow Up: Three Spreadsheet Engineering Methodologies for Large Financial Planning Models
Code Smells in Spreadsheet Formulas Revisited on an Industrial Dataset
DownloadIn this paper a more in depth validation of the algorithm is done by analyzing a set of spreadsheets of which users indicated whether or not they are smelly.
BBC News website article
NewsThe FAST standard being mentioned in the news article "Financial modelling - is the government wasting millions?"
Financial Modelling Handbook
Modelling ResourceFinancial modelling guides offered in the form of a Financial Modelling Handbook.